Yearly Archives: 1990

Diary Entry for 3/8/1990

We went out to Beulah’s and Rob’s and Don’s. Talked with Ken on phone. good to see everyone. Took Roy baked stuff. Bible Study starts but we didn’t get home in time to go.

Diary Entry for 3/9/1990

Chicken and biscuit church supper. They made over $400.00 on it. Washed dark clothes. Baked cake for church supper. A beautiful spring day. In the 50’s. Darcy and Brent here. Brent and Joey’s birthdays.

Diary Entry for 3/15/1990

Frogs hollering in evening for first. Another nice day, 80°. We went to Bible Study in evening. We went for groceries in AM. Rev. Collin here to tell us they will be moving to Oswego this summer. Kathy to Trinity Methodist, and Collin to North Mexico. Made apple pie.

Diary Entry for 3/18/1990

We went to Sunday Schoo l 42, and church 48. Rev. Collin announced they will be moving to Oswego in July. Jim, Jolie, and Jill here for supper. Joel playing ball. My eyes messed up yet today.

Diary Entry for 3/22/1990

Merrill’s 81st birthday. We went for groceries in AM. Joel and Sue here for supper. Brought Dad sport shirt and sweater. Kathy called. Also Gloria Verbridge. Dentist appointment at 11:30. Exam and filling, $37.00.

Diary Entry for 3/24/1990

Lyla, Cheryl and Marion go to Florida. Vern, June and Bea Gehm here for dinner. Brought Dad hoe, bird feeder, corn flakes and lemon pie. Nice day but colder. Power off from 9 – 12 noon for repairs.

Diary Entry for 3/25/1990

Gladys Lamon called. We went to Sunday School 44, and church 72. Lorraine and Kevin Pickert baby baptized. Also Pickert girl after church. filled out census. Sunny but windy. Merrill made 2 trips to church to start furnace in morning and shut off lights and doors in PM.

Diary Entry for 4/1/1990

Fast time starts. No April Fool though. Sunday School kids sang in church. We went to Sunday School 43, and church 52. Communion. Raining, cloudy day. Doris said Garmon is real bad in Lowville Hospital.

Diary Entry for 4/8/1990

Palm Sunday. We went to Sunday School 42, and church 57. Sunday School got beautiful palm. Sunday School had Easter egg hunt. I called Jim about van. I called Elgin. Jim called in evening from work.